Coming Soon! (After a Market Update)

thetableOur first Bay Area Homemade Market happened last Saturday night, and it was an amazing success! Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed delicious homemade foods and beautiful soaps (there was one non-food vendor). For us, the night was a huge success! We sold out of nearly everything, save three jars of strawberry vanilla bean jam, two gluten-free quinoa muffins, and one small bag of sunflower seed brittle. We’re looking forward to the next Market on June 29th, same time same place.

breads cupcakemuffintreesampling



This week has  been filled with work work work, and not just for the bakery. We’ve had to fit time in between our full-time jobs to prepare for our up coming pop-up this Sunday, June 2nd! We’ll be at 1218 East 21st Street in Oakland from 11am until 2pm. Look for the large purple/mauve Victorian in the middle of the block bewteen 12th and 13th Avenues. We’ll be premiering our June Cupcake Special and our Seasonal Summer Pie (see below)! Bring a friend to share with and a bag to take home your goodies.

peachapricotdark chocolate almond In addition to the mini pies and dark chocolate almond bark, we have also been making olive rosemary bread, snickerdoodles, and cornmeal scones. Though you won’t see those last three things at the pop-up, you can always order them via e-mail. Just send a request to! Please give us at least one week for bread orders and three days for other baked goods.

We just purchased a bunch of organic peaches and are planning some amazing peach lavender jam! Look for it in the coming days.

cornmeal sconessnickerdoodles